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Resources from Abilities Manitoba:


Linking Generations Through the Arts:

In 2006 Creative Retirement Manitoba launched a program in the arts that linked seniors living in Hartney Health Centre and in Souris in 2008 with children in the local schools. The team collected stories from both the seniors and the children and put it together into a community presentation. The art work provided a catalyst for relationships between the generations.

Hartney, Manitoba

In 2008 Creative Retirement Manitoba repeated the project in Souris Manitoba with seniors and students that lived there. This project could be duplicated in any Manitoba community. There was great value in bringing the seniors and young people together through the arts. It is a gift from one human being to another to hold space and listen.

Souris, Manitoba


The Arts Ability Project:

In 2002-2004 Canadian Centre on Disability Studies launched a cross-disability pilot project in visual arts, dance, music and creative drama with several service providers in Manitoba. Here are links to the videos and manuals that are outcomes of the programs.

Arts Ability Evaluation Report

Arts Engagement Manual


Mondays at Tower 3

A Person First with Jan

Tuesdays Downstairs

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